The company ASKITUS spol. s r. o. was founded in 1996 under the name of A&S focusing on the design and implementation of automated control systems.

Since 2006, the new management with new organization structure introduced service oriented organization delivering consulting sand advisory services and project management related to design, realization, operation and exploitation information systems supporting business processes and delivery of services.

In 2009 the management decided to improve communication design of the company and by May, 15th 2009 registered new name of the company  ASKITUS, which better express value we deliver:

Our  key advantage is extensive expertise and long years of experience of our consultants and experts. We are sure, that the  quality our services depends mostly on the knowledge, skills and  experience of persons involved in projects.

Instead of displaying a list of references of our company we will provide within our bid an extensive reference list of projects leaded or supported by experts and consultants who will be dedicated to Your project.

In this way we offer assurance that the contract will be carried out by team of experienced professionals, and not by just a company which references were realized by former employees.